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Writer's pictureOlive Karagdag

The Food In An Evus

Lukas 2:12 (OJB) And this will be the sign to you: you will find a small child, an infant, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in an evus.

GOD had not chosen a royal palace, nor an inn, this child was chosen to be born not in a cushioned crib nor cradle but in an evus, in a manger, inside of a stable, a barn from which cattle and animals feed, the animals dining plate.

Oftentimes, we look at this event in the Holy Scripture as symbol of humility because the child, who is our Savior Jesus Christ rather chose himself to be born lowest class, imparting us to be meek and humble. He took the form of a slave, being born of human likeness, and being found in human form, He humbled Himself(Phil.2:7-8). This is Yes, a true humility, but a simple wooden dining serving plate of human being is enough to illustrate that purpose of humbleness.

But what food in an evus for the animals exemplifies? What’s the Eternal News?

At John the Baptist time, people are walking dead (Matt.8:22) because of sins. They disobeyed GOD. Their spirits were not eating the Spiritual food yet, and were so thirsty, thus their spirit died, and only the food that they knew was for their physical being. GOD decided to give them the food that they do not know, the food in the manger, so that these animals, the sinners, the people who are dying in spirit would be healed and would come back to life.

Many of us in our time are still living the same, we have no knowledge about that food: The Food in the Manger. Many people are not eating the Food that gives Eternal Life. There’s famine of food for the Spirit (Amos 8:11). We thought that as long as we are breathing, we are living, but people do not know they are dead in Spirit because of sins (Rom.8:10) and are bound to eternal punishment, the second death. Knowing or without knowing, people are rejecting the Food that gives Life, the Food in the manger.

Our time was still like Adam and Eve times, when even knowing GOD’s command, rejected GOD’s Word. In the Holy Scripture God punish them, they became far from His image because of disobedience. It is written; He made clothing from animal skins for them and sent them out of the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:21). They became like animals as they became dead in spirit. Animals has no Spirit of GOD in them because they were not created into His image. If the Holy Spirit is not anymore present in man, that man is likely to become a man wearing the animal’s skin as a result of rejecting His Word, the Spirit that gives Life (John 6:63). The result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience was that they were deprived from the tree, not the Tree of Knowledge as they have already eaten its fruit, but the Tree of Life (Gen 3:22-24), thus they became dead in Spirit like animals.

But GOD’s love is everlasting and His kindness is unfailing (Jer. 31:3). HE wants His people to go back with Him, to heal them, to feed them, and give them life again, to give His Own Spirit again to everyone (Joel 2:28). He will send His Word, His Spirit, again to do His purpose (Isaiah 55:11). Thus according to His Divine plan, His WORD became flesh (John 1:14) and born in a manger and lived with us.

Jesus was born in a manger to be the food for the starving souls, so that we could be alive again and be adopted away from our animals clothing and be clothed with white clothing; the clothing of righteousness that comes from GOD (Isa. 61:10). But like in John the Baptist time, we need to be prepared and be baptized in water of repentance. Like washing our hands before eating, we must be prepared to receive the food that is meant for us, the only food for our spirit that gives Eternal Life, only this food in an evus, the food that GOD has given us, JESUS CHRIST, His Son, The Word of God, the Bread of Life. AMEN

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